From our Security Liaison with BRPD: “Again, Vehicle Burglaries are the main culprit of criminal stats within the GDCA. The GDCA did very well in October with only one reported crime.”
- 9/3 – 1800 Cherokee Armed Robbery
- 9/5 – 500 Camellia Vehicle Theft
- 9/13 – 2500 Olive Vehicle Burglary
- 9/13 – 2300 Olive Vehicle Burglary
- 9/13 – 2200 Olive Vehicle Burglary
- 9/13 – 1900 Olive Vehicle Burglary
- 9/15 – 2300 Myrtle Criminal Damage to Property
- 9/26 – 1900 Olive Vehicle Burglary
- 9/26 – 800 Camellia Vehicle Burglary
- 9/26 – 2100 Wisteria Vehicle Burglary
- 10/22 – 2100 Oleander – Simple Burglary