Here’s the most recent update from Mike and our police officer that monitors the neighborhood, Corporal Seth Gauthier:
The Garden District experienced five significant security incidents in the month of December.
- Vehicle Theft on Olive. The vehicle was left unsecured with the keys inside.
- Burglary of a dwelling on Broussard. The homeowner was present at the time.
- Burglary of a dwelling on Park. No other pertinent information is available.
- Vehicle Burglary on Drehr. Vehicle was unsecured but nothing was taken.
- Vehicle Burglary on Olive. Vehicle was unsecured and a pistol was taken.
There were multiple other false alarm calls along with suspicious incidents.
Of course, it goes without saying that valuables should not be left unsecured—especially firearms. Criminals love to “cruise” the neighborhood and pull on door handles in search of easy crimes of opportunity. If a purse or a firearm or some other valuable item is visible, they’re going to work a lot harder to steal it.
Also, report street light outages and other safety issues through the Red Stick Ready website or app. Stay safe!