The City is currently in the process of drafting regulations for Short-Term Rentals (STR). Currently, there is no ordinance in place governing STRs, however, a study has been completed and DRAFT regulations have been created. To learn more, see info from the City’s website here (See Section 9.3.6 of the report):
The GDCA understands that the residents’ quality of life and property values are extremely important. We have stressed to the City’s Short-Term Rental Committee the significance of making sure the public, neighborhood associations, renters, and owners of STRs are informed of new rules associated with these rental properties. Once the ordinance is approved, the GDCA will ensure that neighbors know how to address any issues that arise related to STRs.
At the most recent meeting of the STR Committee, the GDCA shared this statement:
“The Garden District Civic Association appreciates the Short-term Rental Committee’s hard work to write this draft ordinance. We recognize that rules governing the STRs are extremely important for neighborhood residents’ quality of life and property values and look forward to having an ordinance in place. While the protocols involved in the enforcement have not yet been designed, we would like to stress how important it will be to make sure the public, neighborhood associations, renters and the owners of the short-term rentals are informed of what the rules are and how the chain of command involved in enforcement will proceed from the owners and renters being made aware of the rules to the neighbors knowing what to do if there are problems and being able to track any follow-up.”