October is Alley Month
September 24, 2020Welcome to the Neighborhood!
September 24, 2020June Calls
- On 6/2/20 at 2131 hours, Officers responded to the area of Broussard St. and Perkins Rd. relative to an anonymous complaint of a male walking in the roadway. Upon Officers’ arrival, there was no one walking in the roadway.
- On 6/3/20 at 0557 hours, Officers responded to the 2100 block of Terrace Ave. relative to a sexual assault. This case is under investigation and no further details can be released due to the nature of the case.
- On 6/8/20 at 1000 hours, the resident at in the 1100 block of Drehr St. called the telephone reporting unit to report that an unknown male suspect stole packages from their front porch on 6/7/20. The resident advised they were unable to get a good description of the suspect from their surveillance cameras, but they could tell that he left riding a bicycle.
- On 6/11/20 at 1359 hours, a resident went to 3rd District to report that an unknown caller repeatedly calls their phone regarding their child. The resident advised the person calls from an unknown number and tells them about their children.
- On 6/19/20 at 2048 hours, Officers responded to a home in the 900 block of Park Blvd. relative to a fallen tree in the roadway. The tree damaged a home.
- On 6/24/20 at 2156 hours, Officers responded to a call from the 2100 block of Tulip Street relative to an anonymous complaint of shots fired in the area. Officers patrolled the area and did not hear gunfire or find any evidence of gunfire in the area. Individuals in the area reported they had not heard any gunshots.
- On 6/27/20 at 2328 hours, Officers responded to a call from the 2300 block of Tulip Street relative to an anonymous complaint of shots fired in the area. Officers patrolled the area and did not hear gunfire or find any evidence of gunfire in the area.
July Calls
- On 7/2/20 at 2259 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Tulip Street relative to an anonymous shots-fired complaint. Officers advised there were fireworks in the area and the sound was likely mistaken as gun shots. Officers did not locate anyone in the area needing Police assistance.
- On 7/3/20 at 0447 hours, Officers responded to the 800 block of Camellia Ave. relative to an unresponsive subject. The subject was deceased and homicide detectives were contacted. The report has been blocked from viewing so no further information is available.
- On 7/3/20 at 0905 hours, Officers responded to 1800 Camellia Ave. relative to a traffic complaint. Residents in the area advised a large trash dumpster was in the middle of the road in the alley. Officers contacted the company listed on the dumpster and they later arrived to move it.
- On 7/6/20 at 1032 hours, Officers responded to the area of Drehr Ave. and Cherokee Ave. relative to a stranded motorist. There was flash flooding in the area at the time and the vehicle was immobilized due to flooding. Officers pushed the vehicle out of the road to a safer area.
- On 7/6/20 at 1108 hours, Officers responded to the area of Cherokee Ave. and Park Bl. relative to complaints of flooding in the area caused a wake to damage homes when motorists drove through the high waters. Officers notified DPW to put barricades in the area to stop traffic until the water receded.
- On 7/7/20 at 1939 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Olive St. relative to a disturbance. The resident’s mother called Police to check on the resident due to the resident arguing with their spouse. The resident was transported to their mother’s home per their request until things between them and their spouse calmed down.
- On 7/7/20 at 2200 hours, Officers responded to an anonymous complaint of a suspicious person near the 2000 block of Kleinert Ave. The complainant stated a white female was walking barefoot in the road and appeared to be having trouble maintaining her balance. Officers patrolled the area for the female but were unable to locate her.
- On 7/8/20 at 0738 hours, the resident called the telephone reporting unit to report a vehicle burglary in the 3000 block of Kleinert Ave. The resident reported their vehicle was burglarized overnight. The vehicle was left unlocked and money was stolen from it.
- On 7/8/20 at 1023 hours, a resident in the 2100 block of Olive St. reported two of their garbage cans were missing to the telephone reporting unit.
- On 7/10/20 at 0721 hours, Officers responded to a disturbance in the 900 block of Park Bl. The resident advised a subject was in the area panhandling but left prior to Police arrival.
- On 7/12/20 at 1138 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Myrtle Ave. relative to a disturbance. Two family members were having an argument.
- On 7/15/20 at 1736 hours, the complainant called the telephone reporting unit to report a disturbance that had already occurred in the 800 block of Camellia Ave. The complainant stated they went to feed the cats for a family member, and got into an argument with another family member. The complainant only wanted to report this incident for documentation purposes.
- On 7/21/20 at 0750 hours, the resident of the 2200 block of Myrtle Ave. reported to the telephone reporting unit that someone had stolen all of their patio furniture. A black male, tall, skinny, and bald, who was wearing a white t shirt and mask was seen committing the crime via video surveillance at 0500 hours on this date. This case is pending investigation.
- On 7/23/20 at 1016 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Cherokee Ave. relative to a burglary. The resident reported someone pried the lock off the shed and stole several tools from within the shed. This case is pending investigation.
- On 7/27/20 at 1525 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Olive St. relative to a vehicle burglary that occurred between 0100-0900 hours on this date. The resident left the doors unlocked and the suspect took their wallet, passport, and a set of keys that went to the home. The resident stated the suspect may have tried to enter the home, but they were unsure. The keys were left in the yard of the home. This case is pending investigation.
- On 7/28/20 at 1131 hours, Officers responded to the 800 block of Drehr Ave. relative to black male wearing all black and a white mask was walking through the neighborhood taking pictures of houses. Officers patrolled the area and were unable to locate the male.
- On 7/28/20 at 1209 hours, Officers responded to 500 block of Camelia St. relative to an anonymous complaint of a black male wearing a light colored jacket walking through the neighborhood making threats and gestures as if he wanted to fight people. Officers arrived on scene and were unable to locate the male.
- On 7/28/20 at 1220 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Olive St. relative to a welfare check. The complainant wanted Officers to check for someone at this location to see if they were okay. The person did not answer the door and there was no indication that anyone was at home.
- On 7/29/20 at 0855 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Olive St. relative to a disturbance. A couple were arguing at their home in another city so the male brought the female to this home per her request. While there, an altercation occurred that led neighbors to call Police. Officers contacted the male and female, and then went to contact witnesses of the altercation. As Officers were contacting witnesses, the male pulled off in his vehicle at a high rate of speed, nearly hitting other vehicles parked on the side of the street. The male wrecked his vehicle into a fence separating two properties at the corner of McGrath St. and S. Eugene St. The male fled from the vehicle and was unable to be located. The female advised the male fled because he had punched her during the altercation. The vehicle was officially stored and the male cannot retrieve it from the wrecker company without turning himself in for applicable pending charges.
- On 7/29/20 at 1832 hours, Officers responded to the 2000 block of Cherokee Ave. relative to a suspicious incident. The complainant stated a black male wearing all black with a mask is walking up the street taking pictures of license plates and houses. The complainant was advised by Officers that the subject was not breaking any laws and for them to contact Officers if the subject came onto their property.
August Calls
- On 8/1/20 at 0037 hours, Officers responded to a call in the 2100 block of Oleander Street relative to a vehicle burglary. The complainant was a neighborhood resident who reported they observed a white male burglarizing a vehicle at this home while walking their dog. The complainant stated they observed the suspect flee into the alley way and then called Police. The suspect was described to be approximately 5’8, with a slim build, blonde hair. The suspect was in his late 20s to mid-30s, and was wearing a tight black t-shirt with loose khaki pants. The resident advised nothing was missing from their vehicle.
- On 8/1/20 at 0854 hours, Officers responded to the 2500 block of Olive St. relative to a disturbance. The complainant advised their landlord was trying to lock them out of their apartment without properly evicting them. Officers contacted the Landlord and explained to them that they needed to go through an eviction process in order to remove the tenant from the home.
- On 8/2/20 at 2142 hours, Officers responded to the 2100 block of Cherokee Ave. relative to a disturbance. The complainant advised their former dating partner had come to their home in another part of town uninvited. The complainant advised the suspect had made copies of their keys and entered the home uninvited. The complainant left their home and came to their parent’s home on Cherokee Ave. to call Police. Police were unable to locate the suspect at this time. The complainant left Cherokee Ave. and called back at 0121 hours advising that the suspect returned to the complainant’s home and was peeking through the windows. Police arrived to the home in the other part of town and located the suspect hiding in the bushes. The suspect ran from the area but was apprehended and arrested for Stalking and Resisting an Officer.
- On 8/3/20 at 1725 hours, Officers responded to the 2300 block of Tulip Street relative to a suspicious incident. The complainant advised that an unknown person in a maroon vehicle was photographing their neighbor’s home. Police arrived and the complainant would not come to the door. Police contacted the homeowner of the home that was being photographed and learned they had food delivered and the driver was driving a maroon vehicle.
- On 8/7/20 at 0833 hours, Officers responded to the 2300 block of Tulip Street relative to a burglary. The resident advised someone broke into their shed overnight and stole tools. This case is pending investigation.
- On 8/9/20 at 1456 hours, the resident of the 2000 block of Wisteria Dr. called 2nd District to report someone dumping trash in the alley. The resident advised they located hypodermic needles in the trash. The resident later brought the needles to 2nd District to safely dispose of them.
- On 8/9/20 at 1614 hours, an anonymous complainant reported a male subject overdosing in a camper in the 2600 block of Oleander St. BRFD and EMS rendered aid to the male and transported him to the hospital.
- On 8/10/20 at 0658 hours, Officers responded to an anonymous complaint of a vehicle traveling on Oleander Street near Park Street. Officers patrolled the area and were unable to locate the vehicle or any loud music.
- On 8/10/20 at 2100 hours, Officers responded to the 3100 block of Kleinert Ave. relative to an anonymous complaint of a loud party at the residence. Officers advised they observed no signs of a party or loud noises coming from this location.
- On 8/12/20 at 0245 hours, Officers responded to an anonymous complaint of shots fired near Oleander and Camellia Ave. Officers advised they patrolled the area and did not observe anyone needing assistance or any signs of a shooting in the area.
- On 8/12/20 at 1620 hours, the complainant called the telephone reporting unit to report their parent’s identity had been stolen. The complainant stated their elderly parent’s SSN was used to open a Cox cable account, and the account now has an outstanding balance of $734. Another account for Charter Communications was opened in Texas and that account balance is now $261. This case is pending investigation by Detectives.
- On 8/14/20 at 2010 hours, the resident in the 2300 block of Myrtle Ave. reported their vehicle had just been stolen. The resident advised they had been having an issue with their key fob, but the vehicle was supposed to be locked. Moments later, the vehicle was located on W. Johnson St. Two arrests were made, and the vehicle was returned to the resident.
- On 8/25/20 at 0922 hours, the resident of the 1900 block of Tulip Street called the telephone reporting unit to report a burglary. The resident advised their vehicle was burglarized overnight and their wallet was taken.
- On 8/26/20 at 2252 hours, Officers responded to the 2500 block of Olive Street relative to a burglary in progress. Officers responded and contacted the complainant/resident inside of the home. Officers observed a shotgun next to a glass bong used to smoke methamphetamine while speaking with the complainant. The complainant was apparently under the influence of narcotics when making the complaint of the burglary. Officers located a large amount of crystal methamphetamine and three other different legend drugs that the complainant did not have a prescription for. The complainant was arrested for several drug charges as well as for possessing the firearm as a convicted felon and for possessing the firearm in the presence of controlled dangerous substances.
- On 8/31/20 at 1320 hours, Officers responded to the 600 block of Camellia St. relative to the theft of a 4-wheeler. The resident advised a juvenile black male, wearing a gray and blue hoodie, broke the lock on their alley gate, entered their fenced in yard and pushed their 4-wheeler. The resident advised the 4-wheeler was taken at approximately 1240 hours. The resident spotted it on Government St. shortly after it was taken. At that time, the 4-wheeler was being operated by a black male with a flat-top haircut, who was wearing a tank-top and shorts. The male fled the area at a high rate of speed when the resident followed him on Government St. The resident continued driving around the area and later saw it at North St. and N. 30th but lost sight of it again. The resident then reported it to Police, who helped the resident continue to look for it. However, the resident and Police were unable to locate it. The resident believes the suspect lives in the area of Spain St. or 18th St. This case is pending further investigation.
December 23, 2024
November 19, 2024
August 22, 2024
August 9, 2024
July 22, 2024
May 23, 2024