Our very own WBRZ heard us shouting from the roof tops about our gorgeous trees, and they sent Brittany Weiss to investigate.
Here’s How You Can Help Our Dying Trees!
Donate! To keep costs low, we must raise the funds to do an entire median at a time. It’s a $1,000 to prune, mulch and care for one (1) tree. You can donate any amount or adopt a whole tree at gdcabr.org/live-oaks.
Reach Out to Neighbors! Talk to your neighbors, peer pressure your loved ones, and help us keep the Garden District the beautiful place it is. If you live along a boulevard, please consider reaching out to your neighbors and adopting your median. We are also looking for big sponsors. The Garden District Civic Association created a non-profit to care for these majestic beasts so your donation is tax deductible!
Please contact the Board if you have any questions about the Collective or if you have any trouble donating at [email protected].