Here’s the most recent update from our police officer that monitors the neighborhood, Corporal Seth Gauthier:
In July, there were 8 major incidents. There were 3 vehicle thefts on 7/11, 7/20 and 7/23 where vehicles were taken from residences in the Garden District. Two separate events occurred during the evening of 7/27 and the morning of 7/28–there were 5 vehicle burglaries within close proximity in the neighborhood, and these are being associated with a single/group of suspects. Force was used in these vehicle burglaries to gain entry into the vehicles and valuables were taken in several of these incidents.
–Cpl. S.D. Gauthier, Baton Rouge Police Department
As always, in case of an emergency, contact 911 for immediate assistance. If it is a non-emergency, but Police are needed, you can contact the BRPD Police Dispatch Center at 225-389-2000. If you would like to pass information to Cpl. Gauthier or the other Patrol Officers, you can contact Justin Kozak at [email protected] or Ted Magee at [email protected], and they will forward that information to Cpl. Gauthier and the other officers.
Remember to cover the basics – lock your car doors, don’t leave things in plain view, and don’t leave anything of value inside your vehicle, such as purses or firearms. If you have a security camera installed, it’s amazing how much the footage collected can help officers at times. Also, report street light outages and other safety issues through the Red Stick Ready website or app. Stay safe!